Where is Atlantis !!!
Maps and satellite-images
... here!!!
This is the Cyrenaika, a plateau of 590x320 kilometers. The slightly sloping surface is framed by mountains (up to 1.000 meters). This plateau was an island 10-12.000 years ago. The desert-area in the south is called "sand sea of Calanscio". Another name given by the Tuaregs is "bahr bela mar", what can be translated as "sea without water"...
The islands surrounding region is today covered with desert sand and consists out of ocean soil. The average heigth reaches only about 1 meter above the sea level, while the Kattara-Depression (right) is minus 134 meters deep(!!!). It is covered by salty marshy ground. After the planned break-through to the Mediterranean sea took place, everyone will recognize that the Cyrenaika is still an island!
(illustration a.petit)
and here !!!
This is a satellite-image, covered with a hydrologic map. A Wadi, that runs exactly to the geometrical center of the island is clearly recognizable. In the south it ends at a wall of cliffs, which blocks the discharge of the water today. The whole area is a zone of earthquakes and the groundwater in the "sand sea of Calanscio", has a temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius (warm and cold sources according to Plato!). Under the dunes of the "sand sea of Calanscio" exists an enormous reservoir of saltwater. Besides we have to notice, that noone lived there for thousands of years.
(source of picture: Nasa)
and here !!!
This satellite-photo shows the confluent of the previous map. In the center of the picture a circular structure is visible, on which the Wadi approaches (even though it looks already like the Capital of Atlantis itīs not there. The ring is in the right distance to the former coast in the south and has exactly the measurements Plato describes iin the Atlantis narration. Additionally this picture gives a good view on the steep coast where a quantity of rock graves was found, as well as masses of unexplainable micro tools.
(source of picture: Nasa)
And now just have look one these satellite-images ... direct hit!!!
[manually created by a.petit]
directly to Google Earth
This was only a glimpse out of the proofs. There are further photos, maps and facts belonging to all possible scientific disciplines. But it absolutely does not matter if this is Atlantis or not, because it is already sensational that someone found something archaeological at all (more interesting structures in the proximity!). All this in a desert, that is larger than Europe, sitting behind his computer in Germany...
You are in any case already witnesses of the first "Internet-excavation" of the world, because it is sure that there is something to find! The Libyan Agency allready confirmed the existance of unexplored ruins in this area!
If you have suggestions or questions just contact us. Be a part of the ultimate archaeological sensation of the millenium!!!
This was only a glimpse out of the proofs. There are further photos, maps and facts belonging to all possible scientific disciplines. But it absolutely does not matter if this is Atlantis or not, because it is already sensational that someone found something archaeological at all (in the proximity, too). All this in a desert, that is larger than europe, sitting behind his computer in Germany...
You are in any case already witness of the first "Internet-excavation" of the world, because it is sure that there is something to find! More over -if this is really Atlantis- it would be extremely embarrassing for the so called "established science".
Be a part of the ultimate archaeological sensation of the millenium!!!